lockdown abundance in Italy

And so with all good intention to create the planet has other ideas in deciding to halt everything and this is the way of living, we cannot know the future and it serves well to be willing and able to realise that uncertainty & insecurity is to be accepted and embraced.

With ten years in the making of a deliberate step back from the holds of a busy existence & seemingly unjust systems we have in some ways been self isolating for a number of years now and in not having secure jobs or incomes we have acclimatised albeit not easily to the stresses that come with financial insecurity but in appreciating the world in alternate ways.

The last month or so has been interweaved with beautiful days working on the land, the peace of being in nature alongside moments of grief and sadness at the gravity of the world situation. I have chopped wood, grown seeds, meditated and played with my young son and mulled over the shift, this new paradigm shift the world seems to be taking. This truly is a time for interconnectedness and presence, utter & attuned living in the moment.

While nature carries on, humanity is forced to change its habits and work in different ways, many will work under highly tragic circumstances. We understand and appreciate the value of those tirelessly putting their lives at risk for the greater good and those humbly keeping the fabric of society together and we know the true absurdity and abuse of greed and capitalism as it falters and reveals.

When in this lifetime has there been such collective adversity, hours to reflect and to listen, share in communal compassion and be in new and creative ways.

Furnishing us all more heart space and without doubt and gladdened we will all be changed forever.

Art offers refuge in times of crisis and I too need to find time to create but also to use art to process. A form that feels so excruciatingly essential I have worried will not be seen as in these days. But there is certainty that artists will continue to create and that institutions will break the boundaries to exhibit in new and exciting ways.

I have uploaded paintings that I made in January and the start of February, almond & olive branches, I have toyed with this as I realise that buying art is not essential and for many a consideration that is not feasible but it may be the only way for us to live in these times without savings or government support.

I did book an exhibition space in Vasto to exhibit mid July, all pending, I will make updates later in the year.

Sending love & peace & strength in these unprecedented times.

I am offering paintings as part of #artistsupportpledge, instigated by @matthewburrowsstudio
The premise is to try and support the creative community.
Many including myself in the current covid crisis are finding that they have no income at all or financial support or savings, this pledge is a self sustaining lifeline to fellow artists across the globe.
Works for sale are no more than £200 (excluding shipping) and every time you reach £1000 of sales you pledge to buy another participating artist's work for £200.

A movement not a business. Give generously, receive gratefully

Please look at my instagram or facebook account to see works that will be put forward or my website https://www.emmaarcherart.com/fiore-di-mandorlo-1

Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing. Anyone can purchase.
I think it's worth keeping in mind that as we look inward and are potentially self-isolating, we turn to artists, film-makers, writers, musicians, designers etc to give us hope and comfort. These creative industries are the ones who will really struggle, also as the second jobs individuals often have to support their practice are also in jeopardy. Support can be a kind word, a shared post, or buying a product. And lets face it you are buying a piece of art that will not lose value and is a shared moment in an artists life, many hours toil and experimentation, passion, expression, a work never to be made again.
