Hints of Gladness 2, acrylic on 100% cotton canvas, 50x50cm, July 2024, £220

Hints of Gladness 3, acrylic on 100% cotton canvas, 50x50cm, July 2024, £220

Hints of Gladness, acrylic on 100% cotton canvas, 50x50cm, July 2024, £220


Delicate things 2, acrylic ink on canvas panel, 100% cotton, 30x30cm, March 2024 £135

Delicate things, acrylic ink on canvas panel, 100% cotton, 30x30cm, March 2024 £135

Something pink, acrylic on canvas, December 2023, 70x100cm Sold


From the roof of Castello Svevo 2, Termoli, June 2023, watercolour on 100% cotton canvas, 50x50cm, £250

From the roof of Castello Svevo, Termoli, June 2023, watercolour on 100% cotton canvas, 50x50cm, £250

Five Hundred Falling Veils 4, acrylic on canvas, 30x30cm, March 2023, £150

Winter Stills 3, acrylic ink on canvas, February 2023, 30x30cm £135

Winter Stills, acrylic ink on canvas, February 2023, 30x30cm Sold

Winter Stills 2, acrylic ink on canvas, February 2023, 30x30cm £135